MPACT Mission Trip

Elgin, TX

Saturday, June 11th - Friday, June 17th, 2016


Cost: $165 per person

Forms available in church office or can be found below. 

MPACT encourages: Students and Adult Leaders to become what Jesus called them to be – “salt and light to the world in need”. As you serve God by serving others, profound learning takes place. Some students, for the first time, will see God work through them in new and powerful ways…creating a deeper faith and life-long hunger for God. The ones that are served are given new hope by those teens willing to serve them in need.   They will see first-hand, Christian love in action as they receive help from today’s youth.  We are called as God’s people to interact with a community and spread His word as believers to a lost world.  The students of MPACT learn,“It’s not about me! It’s about something bigger than them.” It is so powerful to serve in the Name of Jesus. It opens eyes, softens hearts and ignites faith. Then when faith is combined with meaningful worship and devotions, your entire group can experience long-lasting spiritual growth. That’s why we are seeing more and more churches join the
MPACT family.

Participant Form (Required)

Adult Registration Form

What to Bring

Medication Form